K-3 Resources

Reading & Writing/Literacy (ELA)


  • Prodigy - Math Practice Made Fun
  • Khan Academy - Math and Science Digital Lessons Grades K-8
  • Moby Max - All Academic Content Grades 1-8
  • Math Playground - Games Sorted by Topic/Math Strand
  • Fun Brain - Math Games with Grade Level Recommendations
  • Mr. Nussbaum.com - Math Games
  • PBS Kids - Math Games for Little Learners
  • ST Math - "ST Math is a web-based visual instructional program that leads to deep conceptual understanding of math for grades K-8th.


Social Studies

  • Brainpop- (Your teacher can give you the password)
  • Newsela - Newsela is a curated collection of current event articles for learners in grades 2nd - 12th grade.
  • Crash Course Kids Youtube Channel- Content videos for Science and Social Sciences
  • icivics- Interactive games that help students learn more about History
  • Smithsonian History Resource - The site teaches history by providing artifacts to "read" for the stories they tell.


Health and Wellness


Offline Activities

  • If you have a music instrument...practice!
  • Family Routine: Help your student maintain a routine. Make a copy of this example and edit it to meet your family needs.
  • Family puzzles and game boards
  • Enjoy Nature (go for a walk, play outside, ride a bike or scooter)
  • Bake cookies or cook a family favorite recipe
  • Scrapbook photos of friends and family
  • Write a letter to a friend
  • Organize an area in your room
  • Read a book and share your favorite part of the story
  • Create a comic book
  • Find geometric shapes in your home (I spy a triangle...I spy a square)
  • Flip a coin 10, 20, 100 times to compare heads vs. tail
  • Study patterns in plants by collecting leaves
  • Create a new dance move or game
  • Count steps between rooms in your home
  • Play "I'm Thinking of..." (I am thinking of an animal that is grey, is large, and has a trunk...)